Workshop Testimonials and Reviews

Based on 167 reviews
Great Death Valley workshop with David and Jennifer

I have been privileged to take a few workshops in Death Valley with David and Jennifer. I am always very pleased with the experience and results. They are incredibly knowledgeable about photographic opportunities in the area and are able to select best locations based on the weather conditions.

Great instructions, epic location!

David and Jennifer were great teachers and the Zions workshop was out of this world. They both were wonderful guides and knew when and where to be for the optimal lighting conditions. David and Jennifer also share their unique expertise when it comes to photography and together, offer some great advice. I've been on several workshops with David always come away with something new and I definitely enjoyed this location.

Black & White Magic

This workshop was nothing short of fantastic. David & Jennifer make themselves available in all aspects of the work. They do an excellent job of scouting locations prior to the workshop to ensure that attendees have the chance to capture the best possible photos while on location. I would strongly recommend taking any workshop from David & Jennifer. They are kind and smart about all things photography.

Death Valley lends itself easily to the black & white format and David & Jennifer are well-placed to ensure that attendees get the best chance to capture those images that most fit one's personal style.

Don't delay, sign up for this unique photography course today!

Shared passion and skills in a breath-taking location!

The Crested Butte Wildflower Workshop by David and Jennifer exceeded my expectations! I especially appreciate their gentle manner of individualized instruction, and desire to see us improve our skills artistically and/or technically. They are very knowledgeable of the area, and took us to sites that they researched in the days prior to the workshop to take advantage of the best locations for the variety of scenes we would be photographing: wildflowers vistas and close-ups, sunrise / sunset on a mountain or range, an aspen grove, lake (pond) reflections, and waterfalls. Often, they would shoot a scene with their cameras, and show me how they saw the scene through their lens, and the settings, filters, focal length, etc they used to accomplish that. I had fun with Jennifer showing me some techniques to get abstract images, and both of them pointed out good composition opportunities. Their teaching approach is balanced between time in the field shooting, and classroom processing techniques. I came in with a love for the art of photography, and they elevated my skills so I will enjoy my lifetime passion even more! Overall, it was such a fun and rewarding photography workshop, and a highlight of my photography experiences!

An Amazing Experience

I just got back from an amazing workshop in Crested Butte with Exploring Exposure, and I had a great time. David and Jennifer took us to beautiful places and I got some portfolio photos. They were very helpful with setting up compositions and provided excellent feedback. The workshop group size was small so David and Jennifer were able to provide a lot of personal attention to each participant. Plus they were truly nice people to hang out with. I highly recommend Exploring Exposure workshops!

Sunrise to Sunset: Fun-Filled Jeep Adventures in Landscape Photography

I recently attended my first photography workshop led by David Kingham and Jennifer Renwick of Exploring Exposure. From sunrise to sunset, our days were long but incredibly rewarding. This workshop exceeded my expectations in several ways.

One of the standout features was that the instructors rented 4x4 jeeps to transport us to various locations. This allowed us to access remote areas and cover much more ground than we could have by driving to trailheads and hiking. The combination of extensive hours and enhanced mobility enabled us to capture a wide range of light conditions across diverse landscapes. It was both fun and practical, maximizing our shooting opportunities throughout the day.

David and Jennifer were excellent instructors - approachable, knowledgeable, and attentive. They made sure to spend time with each participant, offering personalized guidance. While they provided helpful technical advice on camera settings, I found their insights on composition particularly valuable. The principles they shared will undoubtedly influence my approach to photography across various genres.

A highlight for me was the processing session led by David. Despite my years of experience in photography and post-processing, I learned new techniques that will streamline my workflow, improve my results, and save time. These are definitely going into my regular editing routine.

Overall, this workshop offered a great balance of in-field shooting, technical instruction, and post-processing guidance. The instructors' expertise, combined with the unique locations we were able to access, made for an enriching and memorable experience. I highly recommend Exploring Exposure workshops to photographers looking to elevate their skills and explore beautiful landscapes.

Private Mentoring
Per Heistein

Excellent presentation. Unique process for B&W.
Top notch

The winter workshop in Yellowstone was truly a unique experience and adventure that no other workshop offers. Being inside the park at the yurt camp gave us the advantage of being at locations much earlier and staying later than would have been possible had we travelled into and out of the park each day. The yurt camp was clean and cozy, and the hospitality of the staff was exceptional. David and Jennifer did an excellent job planning and coordinating with personnel at the camp, allowing us to concentrate on our photography and enjoy the experience of winter in Yellowstone.

I have done quite a few photography workshops and what David and Jennifer is offering is so unique and special that is on a whole other level. They truly care about their clients' learning and progress in photography. I did a six day Yellowstone intimate photography workshop and it was the most exhilarating significant experience in my photography journey so far. Their only focus was for each of us to connect to ourselves and to nature on a much deeper level and find ways to express ourselves using nature. They gave us all the tools we needed, the inspiration and excitement before going out as well as the feedback and support we wanted in the field. Their ability to provide the guidance while giving us the space to find our own way and vision was so different than other photography guides. In addition, David provided extremely valuable post processing tips that will make this this part so much easier. I highly recommend them as they give their all to their clients before during and after the workshop.

Jennifer and David's Intimate Details workshop in Yellowstone was outstanding! They have extensive knowledge about the area which was very helpful when navigating the busy park at the best times to avoid traffic congestion as well as diverting to a different location if necessary. In four days we were able to shoot a huge variety of intimate and wider scenes from geysers to waterfalls to autumnal grasses to bacterial mat details. The afternoon post processing sessions were incredibly helpful for me. Jennifer and David have an obvious love and respect for nature. They were very kind and supportive to all of the participants and I could not have asked for a better experience. I will most definitely be doing another one of their workshops!

The Crested Butte Wildflowers workshop was the third workshop I have attended with David and Jennifer. All three provided a professional learning experience, not only from a photography perspective, but also from being taken to locations that are off the beaten path that I would never have found on my own. This has real value for me. David and Jennifer complement each other perfectly with their own sets of specialized knowledge. If you have an interest in abstracts, Jennifer is your go-to person. If night landscapes are your thing, David is the expert. Between the two of them, all the bases are covered, including post-processing. I especially enjoy the critique sessions during the workshops, which offer valuable advice and direction to composition skills and post processing. I hope to be able to attend more workshops with David and Jennifer in the future.

I made a wise choice in joining an Exploring Exposure workshop as my first visit to Death Valley. It was obvious David and Jennifer had an in-depth knowledge of the park. Despite some areas of the park being closed during our workshop, I didn't feel in any way we were being shortchanged. It was only at Zabriskie Point did we even see other photographers! David and Jennifer were always accessible for questions in the field, and David's post-processing guidance every afternoon really helped me pull everything together.

I had some personal issues leading up to this workshop which threatened my ability to participate. Once I arrived in Death Valley all of that was put aside. I didn't think I would be able to participate. I made the 6+ hour drive to Stovepipe Wells and didn't regret having done so. David and Jennifer greeted me warmly. I immediately knew I was in my photography family - that is what it feels like to me, being in family with like minds and purposes. We all bring something different to the table but we are all at the same table, if that makes sense.

In the field, David and Jennifer both are appropriately attentive to each of the workshop participants. They answer all questions regardless of how basic it might seem to be (trust me, I have asked some really basic questions). You certainly need a good understanding of how to use your camera. They can help with finding features you may not be familiar with, but ultimately they want you to be the expert of your own gear.

David handles most of the classroom training. He teaches in a very accessible way and goes over difficult concepts until you truly get it. He makes his approaches to work available so that I can truly learn from his style of working with images.

In case you couldn't tell, I am a big fan of David & Jennifer and Exploring Exposure. Their work is phenomenal. I would take a class again given the right circumstances. If you are on the fence, let me help you get off the fence. This was my second workshop and I would quickly add a third given the chance.

Attending a workshop hosted by David Kingham and Jennifer Renwick is one of the best things an aspiring Photographer can do to raise their skills. The best part is, you come away with an increased passion and desire to spend more time with your camera. It's not learning how to expose properly or use the right focal length but the emotions they teach you, how to see the landscape or become intimate with a leaf. You can tell there is a burning desire that they both want you to succeed and even more, the sincerity that they want you to leave with a total outlook that photography is not just about pressing the shutter to capture a moment.
This is my third workshop with D and J, and I can tell you without a doubt it's not my last. I have taken the time to observe them and listen to their mindset towards photography and each time I can see the difference in making a picture.
To that Photographer who is debating on attending a workshop with David and Jennifer, you will be rewarded with a renewed excitement to caress your camera, both emotionally and technically, creating priceless images.
Thank you, David and Jennifer, you have a passionate photographer who enjoys spending time with you.

David and Jennifer lead great workshops that accommodate all levels of experience. If you are a complete beginner or a seasoned photographer just looking to sharpen your skill set, you will always find the instructions and guidance that you need. I've been on 3 workshops with David and Jennifer, and each time I came away with a better understanding and direction on where I want my photography to go.

Their knowledge of the area and where and when to be at the right time to catch the light was essential for producing the best photos. They always scout the photo locations days in advance, which is very beneficial to the success of the workshop. Also, the constant monitoring of weather and the flexibility to adjust plans contributed greatly to capturing the best images possible.

David has a unique ability to enhance the image in post-processing and is happy to share his knowledge and skills with the workshop participants. His Colorado Fall Colors post-processing handout and presentation slides were an invaluable added bonus.

Big thanks to both David and Jennifer for a well-run workshop! I am looking forward to joining them on another adventure, and I highly recommend Exploring Exposure workshops to anyone who likes landscape photography.

Jennifer and David know Yellowstone down to individual thermal features, and they have the forecasting expertise to predict when and where conditions will create the greatest photographic potential for their workshop groups. At any given site, they are alert to the changes in atmospherics and light that create opportunities, and they are there with group and individual coaching on technique for the situation. At the same time, there's no feeling of herding, no pressure to conform; only encouragement of each participant's curiosity and vision. I've never felt at once so free and so supported during a workshop.

David and Jennifer are talented photographers and run a very organized and informative photography workshop. The scouting done before the trip and their knowledge of the area makes for a great time. Great instructors seem to attract great students, that is the case with Jennifer and David.

Simply the Best!
I am a returning client for all the reasons one might expect. David and Jennifer are committed to teaching and providing each client individualized instruction in a friendly and helpful setting. They are organized and prepared, so the workshop comes off as an effortless experience for the client. Their true expertise was on full display at the Yellowstone at Night workshop when the weather had a mind of its own and clouds rolled in, obscuring the Milky Way. We quickly pivoted to shoot the storm, lightning and all, when it was safe. Rapidly, new locations were obtained, taking advantage of the storm in real-time instead of giving up because things didn't go according to the original plan. We didn't shoot the same ol' cliche Milky Way shots; we got something unique and arguably better! This could never have happened without an intimate knowledge of Yellowstone in the dark and what seemed to me quick thinking on one's feet to make things possible. It's obvious how much they care about giving us the fullest workshop experience, no matter the circumstances. Definitely the best!

Grand Teton Night Workshop
Ernest Murata

Having attended many photo workshops, David and Jennifer provided a First Class experience. I was impressed with the Pre and Post information we received. In the field, David and Jennifer helped us with composition and camera settings to best deal with the difficult dynamic ranges of sunrise and sunset images, and taking us to the ideal locations to take advantage of the lighting. In the afternoons, David educated us on his editing workflow using Lightroom and Photoshop. This was Marilyn's first photo workshop. She was thrilled with her first Milky Way image. She really improved her camera skills with your mentoring. Thanks for a wonderful experience getting us to the locations. helping us with composition. camera setting. using ND filters and finally how to edit our images with Lightroom and Photoshop. Looking forward to attending your Photo Workshops in the future. You guys are the Best.

Grand Teton Night Workshop
Tim Huesgen

David & Jennifer's workshops are the best! They are intimately familiar with the locations they choose for their workshops. They are flexible and can tailor the workshop schedule to the group's interests (and changing weather conditions) to maximize your experience. They are (no surprise) great photographers and educators. They are hands-on and always available to make suggestions and answer questions in the field. The classroom instruction is well organized and packed with information. No matter your skill level, you will leave their workshops a much better photographer!!

Moab Night Workshop
Jason Williamson

I had a great time on the Moab Night Photography workshop! David and Jennifer were great workshop leaders! In addition to being incredible artists and great educators, they were both very kind and patient in their approach. I also appreciated the love and care both have for the natural environments we found ourselves photographing during the workshop.

Moab Night Workshop
Doreen Deicke

David and Jennifer are extraordinary good workshop leaders. They are knowledge, kind and patient. I've taken two workshops from them and have learned so much. I would recommend them to anyone interested in photography and hope to take another workshop with them in the future.

I've just completed my first of hopefully many more photography workshops with Jennifer and David from Exploring Exposure. They have an intimate knowledge of Death Valley that they shared by taking us to locations which I'm sure that on my own I probably would have driven past, not realizing the possibilities for capturing the smaller details of the natural beauty contained there. Jennifer & David put the participants of their workshops as their primary focus, especially while out in the field. I appreciated their suggestions on composition, whether it was the grand landscape or the smaller scenes, and how best to capture those as the light changed during our sessions. Furthermore, the verbal cues to change in light while we were out in the field was super helpful because it is so easy to get engrossed in a subject and not realize that the light has changed, and therefore so must the approach to photographing that subject. By keeping the group numbers small, David & Jennifer were able to make themselves available to all of the participants equally, whether novices or photographer's with more experience. Even when we were spread out over a large area, they each checked in frequently to see how we were doing, answer any questions, and offer further suggestions. I also felt that the post processing sessions and image critiques in the boardroom were incredibly beneficial. I picked up some new techniques for post processing and was grateful for David's advice on how to bring out the best in my images taken during the workshop.

Death Valley Workshop
lore m dickey

I first signed up for a workshop with David & Jennifer in 2017. Various forces kept me from being able to attend. I registered at the last minute for this Death Valley experience. I am glad I did so. David and Jennifer know the park well as they know photography well. They set a welcoming tone from the outset. They are able to work with people from a variety of skill levels. You will not be disappointed. I am already registered for another workshop!

What set this experience apart from the other workshops I've taken was the very perceptive and individual attention the instructors gave to each of us. Whenever I needed advice or assistance or a word of support, someone appeared to offer just what the moment required. The Death Valley Small Scenes workshop delivered beyond what it promised. Jennifer, David, and Sarah made sure we had varied challenges and opportunities to grow in our vision and technique for creating intimate responses to a location that can be overwhelming. They missed no chance to help us achieve, uniquely, what we were trying to do. No doubt we all returned with some of our most meaningful images ever. We also returned with something inside that will lead us to create many, many more.