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Hard Sun: Start to Finish Post-Processing Video

Hard Sun: Start to Finish Post-Processing Video

Regular price $39
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Run-time: 2 Hours
Released - February 2017

In this start-to-finish video I go in-depth on my entire process beginning with my thoughts and techniques in the field using wide angle techniques to capture a wider field of view than possible in one image, using different focal lengths to correct the diminished mountains, and discussion of the composition.

RAW development in Lightroom done in sections to give unique adjustments to the sky, mud cracks, and mountains.

Advanced Photoshop techniques covering focus stacking, orton effect, light bleed, glow, creating mood with color adjustments, burning and dodging using luminosity masks to retain contrast, focal length blending, atmospheric effects, warping using puppet warp, and blending exposures using the color range tool.

Finally, I show how to finish off the image with specialized sharpening for web viewing, and dive into sharpening for print, resizing to create large prints, and soft proofing for printing.

Note: RAW files are included to experiment on your own

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Demetri C

Some of my very favorite landscape photos on the web were taken and processed by David Kingham. Though I take pretty good shots myself, I've never had the post-processing chops to create the impact and drama in my work like David does in his. I wanted to emulate some of his style in my own work. I own a couple of David's post-processing videos, Hard Sun being my favorite. I got to watch over David's shoulder as he performed his magic. He revealed a lot of tools and techniques that I'd never thought about or knew of. Bravo. Highly recommended.

Richard Bauld

This is one of the best post-processing tutorials I have ever purchased. There is a consistent theme of explaining and then optimising the images to match David's creative vision, including some details of capture. All of the steps are explained simply, but effectively. Overall, I felt that it he tutorial improved the way I see the post-processing stage, as well as improving the skills involved.


Hard Sun is one of the most valuable and informative post-processing video tutorials I have watched. It is well made, very detailed and covers the full process from start to the setup for printing.
David covers both Lightroom and Photoshop tools to get the best processing results from both tools. Luminosity Masking (LM) is covered as part of the tutorial and it helped me greatly to understand when the use of LM is appropriate. I use David's tutorial as my processing encyclopedia and have made multiple time markers in the video as reference material for my post-processing work.
I am very happy with this video and highly recommend it to anyone looking for serious tutorial to improve their post-processing skills.


Much better than most of this genre, David walks you thru processing the image while explaining what he is doing and his thinking as to what he is doing. The production values of the video are very high- not boring in the least. Learned some new approaches to image processing, a very worthwhile purchase.

Abdul Basit

Recommended for Photographers who want to learn creative post-processing in an easy to understand way, I have purchased many tutorials from different photographers but I found this one more informative and easy to learn.