Free Lightroom Nightscape Presets

My presets for Adobe Lightroom are “donationware”. I develop, release, and maintain them for free, and you can use them for free forever, but I hope you find them worthy of a gift of thanks or encouragement.

The classic, original presets that have been downloaded by thousands on and included in my eBook 'Nightscape'. If you are looking for something new, take a look at my Advanced Nightscape Presets.

Do your night images lack that 'pop' that really makes them stand out from the crowd? Processing night images can be complex, and I've spent countless hours developing these presets based on my experiences editing night photographs.

Watch the video to see how these work!

Develop Presets
0. Baseline
1.1 White Balance – Dark Sky
1.1 White Balance – Moonlit
1.2 White Balance Saturation On
1.3 White Balance Saturation Off
2.1 Embrace the Color
2.1 Milky Way
2.1 Points of Light
3.1 Reduce Light Pollution add Contrast
3.1 Reduce Light Pollution
3.2 Reduce Airglow
3.3 Reduce Moon Brightness
3.4 Reduce Light Domes
4.1 Bring Back the Blue
5.1 Sharpen and Noise Reduction

Adjustment Brush/Graduated Filter Presets
Defocus Stars
Defocus Erase
Enhance Clouds
Enhance Foreground
Enhance Milky Way
Light Pollution Removal
Soften Stars

How to Use